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How Many American Soldiers Died In Iraq

American Troops: Deaths from Electrocutions in Iraq

16 Troops Died from Accidental Electrocutions as of August 2008

Electrocutions Occurred in Showers and Other Locations

As of August 2008, sixteen American troops had died from accidental electrocutions in Iraq, according to the Defense Department. One soldier was electrocuted in a shower, while others were electrocuted while working on electrical equipment or while touching downed power lines.

The number of Iraqi civilians killed in the war is much higher than the number of American troops who have died from electrocutions. According to the Iraq Body Count project, at least 185,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed in the war.

The total number of casualties in the Iraq War includes both combat and non-combat deaths. Combat deaths are those that occur as a result of enemy action, while non-combat deaths are those that occur as a result of accidents, illness, or other causes.

"Deaths other" includes all non-combat deaths, including those from bombing, accidents, and illness. As of March 2021, 11 U.S. Service members have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.


